Episode # 90 - "A Prophecy for the End of the World? The Appearance of Mysterious New Senshi"

(地球崩壊の予感? 謎の新戦士出現)

Rei has a prophetic dream of the                        approaching Silence 

Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion's love form the Moon Spiral Heart Rod

 Episode # 91 - "The Rod of Love is Born! Usagi's New Transformation"

(愛のロッド誕生! うさぎの新変身)

 Episode # 92 - "A Dreamy Young Man? The Secret of Haruka Tenou"

(素敵な美少年? 天王はるかの秘密)

Minako questions why Motoki exists 

Michiru juggles a lemon with her violin 

 Episode # 93 - "Usagi's Idol! The Elegant Prodigy, Michiru"

(うさぎの憧れ! 優美な天才みちる)

 Episode # 94 - "Protect the Pure Heart! Enemies and Allies in a Three-Way Struggle"

(純な心を守れ! 敵味方三つ巴乱戦)

The girls split up to find Unazuki's pure heart 

Naru holds Umino after his pure heart is removed 

 Episode # 95 - "For Help with Love, Leave it to the Moon"


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